Reciprocity...pass it on

We are living through extraordinary times, witnessing events that have caused us to confront a lot of negativity. 24-hour news cycles and Twitter feeds keep us plugged in to all that bad news happening around us. What Reciprocity is focused on instead, is the good.

Recent events have uncovered the true heroes among us. The ones that are willing to put their own lives on hold, and on the line, to care for and stand up for those they don’t know. And there are other heroes. Those who are staying at home to protect the most vulnerable. Those who are protesting for change and speaking out publicly against injustices.

This is what Reciprocity is about: pulling acts of kindness together and passing them on.

When you purchase a Reciprocity branded item, the profits from your order go directly back into our communities: We buy gift cards from area restaurants and businesses that have been most impacted by stay-at-home orders during the COVID-19 pandemic. Those gift cards are then donated to those heroes on the frontlines; from healthcare workers and grocery store stockers to activists and leaders in the fight for racial equality.

We plan to keep the idea of Reciprocity in Cleveland going strong for as long as we can. You’ll be able to keep up with what’s happening at

We look forward to passing it on!