Studiothanks Presents:
We're pulling acts of kindness together and passing them on.
Profits will go to purchasing gift cards from local businesses hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, then donated to those on the frontlines, from healthcare workers and grocery store stockers to activists and leaders in the fight for racial equality.
The Reciprocity Collection
The generations that exist today are living through times that have shaken our lives and stopped us in our tracks like never before. We know we can watch the 24-hour news cycles and hear about all of the bad that’s happening. What Reciprocity is focused on instead, is the good.
This pandemic has uncovered the true heroes among us. The ones that are willing to put their own lives on hold, and on the line, to care for those they don’t know. And there are other heroes. Those who are staying at home while trying to help the small businesses hit hardest by all of this; doing what they need to do to help bring back some state of normality. Whether it’s placing orders for pick up or delivery or buying gift cards for future use – we’re doing what we can to keep our friends and neighbors in business.
This is what Reciprocity is about. Pulling acts of kindness together and passing them on. We have items designed with the Reciprocity logo for purchase. All profits will go to purchasing gift cards from local restaurants and service businesses hit hard during the stay-at-home and closing orders. All gift cards will then be donated to those on the front lines and those in need.
We plan to keep the idea of Reciprocity in Cleveland going strong even as life returns to some kind of normal. You’ll be able to keep up with what’s happening at
We look forward to passing it on!